personally involved

美 [ˈpɜːrsənəli ɪnˈvɑːlvd]英 [ˈpɜːsənəli ɪnˈvɒlvd]
  • 亲自参与(或投入)
personally involvedpersonally involved
  1. Were you personally involved in this decision ?


  2. It is the only way the business owner can make the business operate without him being personally involved in every decision .


  3. Parks has a tendency to become personally involved with his photographic subjects .


  4. In my third year , I went to almost every single lecture available . Including those involving topics I was not personally involved or interested in .


  5. Voice 1 : Many people become personally involved in sports .


  6. He 's personally involved in the investigation and is pretty busy .


  7. And she was personally involved in setting the high bar that she must now clear .


  8. Ferguson let his audience know that he was personally involved in the war .


  9. Eg. He 's no longer personally involved in the day-to-day running


  10. But your role should be to refer team members to professional help , and not to get personally involved .


  11. No one understood this better than Steve Jobs who was as personally involved in public relations as he was in product design .


  12. Above all , though plainly he has more than enough on his plate elsewhere , Mr Obama must get personally involved .


  13. Neither of them imagined they could be personally involved in the dubious result of the scenes they witnessed .


  14. I was personally involved in the 6-party talks in which China 's role was to mediate between the North Koreans and Americans .


  15. This competition will provide china 's artistic and design community with the rare opportunity of being able to get personally involved the2008 Olympic Games in beijing .


  16. Yuan Shikai early to join the Huai camp , personally involved in administering the military activities of the old Yong Camp .


  17. In China , the state-owned company controlling shareholders can not personally involved in the supervision , but by a certain department or designated representatives holding company supervision .


  18. I later discovered that she had had an unhappy experience in love , and had decided never again to become personally involved in matters of the heart .


  19. He told The Times : ' I think it 's gripping how personally involved George VI was and how secretive he was about it .


  20. Huang was found to be liable for the bribes given by the two companies as he was personally involved or directed others to do so , said the court .


  21. During her internship in Fuxian Senior Middle School , the author of this thesis was very lucky to have witnessed and been personally involved in the implementation of the learning-plan-guided teaching approach .


  22. Leaders support and personally involved in changing from dry land to paddy field , even take urgent problems encountered and centered , according to the principle of timing , level , the method of task to solve them .


  23. Participation in the proceedings is a procedural right , only personally involved in criminal procedure activities , will it be possible for the victims to exercise other rights and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests .


  24. I personally got involved in the transparency drive for water pollution control .


  25. How do you want to personally get involved in Beijing Olympics ?


  26. Have you personally been involved in mentoring new teachers ? If so , in what way ?


  27. Sandblasting the surface access to the results of perceptual knowledge , in practice need to continue to accumulate , especially to personally get involved operation , experiment .


  28. Other military training at personally presided over involved in two new army to participate in the modernization of military exercises by the domestic and international concern .


  29. It would be unjust for him to bear personally the great expenses involved .
